Min Lwin

Min Lwin

Member of Central Leading Committee

Other Responsibility

  • Policy Board Member, Forum for Democracy in Burma (FDB)

Education & Training Courses

  • B.A in Economics, Rangoon Institute of Economics, Burma (1983-1987)
  • Matriculation, State High School No (3) in Mandalay, Burma (1982)

Organizational Assignments & Political Experiences

2009 – Present

Member of Central Leading Committee of DPNS

1991 – 2009

Member of Central Executive Committee of DPNS

1998 – 2009

Head of Finance Department of the DPNS.

2002 – 2004

Deputy Head of Regional Committee No.1 of DPNS

1998 – 1999

Coordinator of the People Power 21

1997 – 1998

Head of Organizing Committee/ Supervisor of Political Working Group No. 2 of DPNS

1993 – 1997

Head of Organizing Committee/ Supervisor of Political Working Group No. 1 of the DPNS.

1993 -1994

Head of Delegation of Organizing and Exposure Trip to the Shan area.

Member of the Joint Committee of the Central Area of Burma.

1992 – 1994

Head of the Finance Department of the DPNS.

Central Committee Member of the Democratic Alliance of Burma (DAB)

1990 – 1991

Head of Divisional Executive Committee of DPNS in Pegu Division.

Member of the Organizing Committee of DPNS (HQ).


Deputy Chairperson of the Election Campaign Committee for the NLD in Toungoo

1988 – 1990

Joint Secretary of Township Executive Committee of DPNS in Taungoo.

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